Gold Loan

Get Gold Loan with attractive interest rate starting from 12% p.a. and get loan up to 80% of Gold Value

Among various types of loan available in the market, the Gold loan is considered an important product component in the light of the love of Indians with Gold. Individual or Entrepreneur who owns gold could get Gold Loan through Finland at competitive market rates.

Where other banking and financial institute only providing loans at between 60% to 75% of Gold Value, our organization would provide gold loan at 80% of Gold Value with an interest rate at 12% per annum which is competitive to other available market products.

Features of the Product

  • Attractive Interest Rate starting from 12% p.a.with dynamic Payment System.
  • Repayment options of Gold loan are quite flexible and the applicant can choose their preferred loan repayment option that goes up to 36 months.
  • You can avail Gold Loan starting from Rs.10,000 to Rs.2,00,000.
  • Loan Against Gold Ornaments as collateral.
  • Loan Value against gold would be up to 80% of Gold.
  • The Payment System would be as below.
    1. Make Interest as EMI and Principle Later
    2. Make Partial Payment
    3. Regular EMI Option
  • Loan could close before pre decided loan tenure with penal charges of 1% of Outstanding Principle Amount.